Brooke Mueller's Alleged Assault Victim Speaks Out

On Thursday Brooke Mueller's Alleged Assault Victim Speaks Out was a top story. Here is the recap: (TMZ) The woman Brooke Mueller allegedly assaulted at an Aspen nightclub back in December tells TMZ, Brooke doesn't belong in rehab ... she belongs BEHIND BARS.
TMZ broke the story ... Brooke's not looking at any jail time whatsoever after her Aspen arrest -- because the issue of confinement has not been part of plea bargain negotiations between her lawyer and the prosecutor.
But Llana Little -- the woman Mueller allegedly assaulted the night of her arrest -- is furious about the situation ... insisting, Brooke "should go to jail" for hitting her.
Brooke Mueller Mugshot
Little tells us, she was coming off the dance floor inside a nightclub on December 2nd -- and accidentally bumped into Brooke. Words were exchanged, and when she turned around, Little says Brooke punched her in the back.
Brooke then left that club and went to another one -- where police eventually dragged her back outside and arrested her for cocaine possession and 3rd degree assault.
The woman -- a key witness in the Aspen case -- adds, "She needs to learn her lesson that what she did was not okay." -
It appears that Brooke Mueller will be dodging prison time after being charged with felony possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute, and the woman Mueller allegedly assaulted during the whole ordeal is none too pleased.
Back in December, Mueller was arrested on cocaine charges as well as a misdemeanor 3rd degree assault charge. Mueller was charged with allegedly assaulting Liana Little, who says she bumped into Brooke at a night club. After a heated exchange of words, Mueller allegedly hit Little in the back.
Speaking to TMZ, Little said that she was “furious” about the situation, and that she feels that Brooke should face jail time not only for the cocaine charges, but also for assaulting her.
Mueller’s lawyer is reportedly in the process of hammering out a plea bargain for Mueller, and confinement is apparently not on the table. Instead, Mueller will likely only be faced with a few months of community service and required drug education classes, after which point her charges will be fully dismissed.
Mueller’s next court date is scheduled for April 2, when the judge is expeted to hand down her sentence.
Do you think that Brooke Mueller got off too easy?


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